Mexico City's anthropology museum is considered one of the best in the world and is most certainly the best museum in Mexico (it's also the most visited).  That being said, this showcase of Mexico's history and culture covers a full 10 buildings and tackling them can be exhausting. If you're short on time stick to the Aztec and Mayan halls, which are the most popular for good reason: they contain  world-famous pieces from Mexico's pre-Hispanic period, such as replicas of the murals that once adorned Teotihuacan (the famed pyramids on the outskirts of the city),  the Piedra del Sol—the Aztec Calendar Stone—and the sixteenth-century statue of Xochipilli (the Aztec god of art, as well as games, beauty, dance, and maize). If you have more time, head to the upper floors, which cover the post-Hispanic historic era with videos, life-size displays of clothing and other savvily-designed exhibits that bring to life the cultures of the different Mexican indigenous groups. Skip the overpriced and mediocre restaurant and head, instead, a few blocks north to dine at one of the many restaurants in Polanco.