Every June, muralists from around the world gather in Montreal to public paint massive murals on the walls of the city. Bands play, street food is consumed, and the artists toil to complete their works in a mere two weeks. Though it's exciting to watch the artists work, you don't have to be in Montreal in June to appreciate these often whimsical, sometimes political and always thought-provoking art works—you can simply stroll through what has become one of the densist collections of street art in the world (as I write there are now 85 murals, though more are plannned). To get a better handle on where the art is, either stop by the Station 16 gallery (3523 Boulevard Saint Laurent) to pick up a map; or download the app Mural Festival. Highlights that shouldn't be missed include a 2-story portrait of hometown hero musician Leonard Cohen; a modern Mona Lisa that's a meditation on the intersection of art and commerce (it's behind Station 16) and an ice-cream themed depiction of the seven deadly sins (on St. Laurent, two blocks uptown from Station 16).