Taxi drivers double as guides, and you'll find them waiting at the airport or the ferry dock. The fare between Newcastle Airport and Charlestown is $25; between Charlestown and Old Manor Estate, $15; and from Charlestown to Pinney's Beach, $6. Between 10pm and 6am, 50% is added to the prices. Call tel. 869/469-1042for more information.
You can arrange for a rental car from a local firm through your hotel. Or you can check with TDC Car Rental, on the Bay Front in Charlestown (tel. 869/469-1005), a local outfit that's loosely allied with Thrifty (tel. 800/367-2277) in the U.S.; or Nevis Car Rental, Newcastle, near the airport (tel. 869/469-9837). Another reliable firm is Noel's Courtesy Garage, Farms Estate (tel. 869/469-5199), which is convenient to guests in hotels east of Charlestown, including Hermitage, Montpelier, Old Manor, and Golden Rock. To drive on Nevis, you must obtain a permit from the traffic department, which costs $25 and is valid for 3 months. Car rental companies will handle this for you. Remember: Drive on the left side of the road. The road that encircles Nevis has been improved and resurfaced.
Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.