Legendary French Impressionist Edgar Degas had a tender spot in his heart for New Orleans. His mother and grandmother were born here, and he spent several months in 1872 and 1873 visiting his brother at this house. The trip resulted in a number of paintings, and this is the only residence or studio associated with Degas anywhere in the world that is open to the public. One of the artist’s paintings showed the garden of a neighboring house. His brother liked that view, too; he later ran off with the wife of the judge who lived there. The brother’s wife and children later took back her maiden name, Musson. The Musson home, as it is formally known, was erected in 1854. It has since been sliced in two, redone in an Italianate manner, and restored as a B&B. It’s open to the public daily for tours (you can also combine the tour with a Creole breakfast or painting party here).