This is the second-oldest building (well, parts of it) in the Mississippi Valley, after the Ursuline Convent, and a rare example of Creole architecture that miraculously survived the 1794 fire. Built around 1788 on the foundations of an earlier home that was destroyed in the fire of that year, the house has had a number of owners and renters (including the son of Governor Claiborne), but none of them were named John (or even Madame!). It acquired its moniker courtesy of author George Washington Cable, who used the house as a setting for his short story [‘]Tite Poulette. The protagonist was a quadroon, Madame John, named after the lover who willed this house to her. Of interest mostly for its unusual exterior architecture, the occasional art exhibit, like a recent show of stellar Newcomb pottery, makes a peek inside worth the (free) price.