One’s chin may rise a centimeter or two when entering Le Pavillon’s soaring lobby, with crystal chandeliers overhead, plush Oriental rugs underfoot, enormous marble pillars, and ornate carved ceilings. It’s a Historic Hotel of America dating to 1907, and the first in New Orleans to have an elevator. It’s also famous for late-night peanut butter and jelly service (silver platter and all), with a hot chocolate nightcap; we’re equally amused by the classical statuary around the heated rooftop pool. The heavily draped rooms are fine, but pale in contrast to the lobby’s gleaming luxe, though some have painted ceilings and glam black-granite bathrooms with gold fixtures. Suites, with original art and antiques, are a different story—would that a wee bit of their elegance was extended to the standard rooms. Service and amenities are all topnotch: The Crystal Room restaurant is a little touch of Versailles; $16 weekday lunch buffet is a steal. Discounted rates do pop up on travel websites.