Hospitality and location are the keywords here, though the accommodations in this converted 1846 mansion are by no means slouchy. The Lower Garden District locale is far enough from the name-brand action to merit slightly lower rates, but close enough to access it all by foot or nearby streetcar. The affable hosts will ably direct you and ply you with afternoon brownies, and perhaps some musician friends will entertain you in the soignée parlor where elaborate ceiling details and porcelain chandeliers are among the many fab light fixtures. Rooms have plenty of carved antiques; sizes vary from liberal to slight (we like the second-floor balcony suites; the third and fourth floors have angled ceilings). But if you’re one of those vacationers who seek the best in rest(rooms), these teensy tubless ones won’t cut it. The outdoor courtyards are sweetly pleasant, and a smattering of antiques come with interesting stories. Just ask…perhaps over the hot breakfast buffet.