Remember the Woody Allen movie Sleeper? You’ll feel like you’ve woken up in that film when you arise in the morning in your all white and groovy room, with its massive round window (upon which a silvery curtain floats), the walls cut out like an origami project. Oddly, the design for the hotel is by Hendel and Company, the same folks who did the somber 9/11 Memorial. When it first opened, this high-design hotel drew a lot of celebrities. Today, you’re more likely to share the outdoor pool (complete with rentable cabanas), the party bar on the rooftop, and massive, state-of-the-art gym with corporate execs (a large sign at the check-in counter permanently welcomes Google staffers; their corporate headquarters is next door). Still, if you want to feel like a celeb, ignore the scruffy, programmer-types who are your fellow guests, and indulge.