After tunneling through the womb-like lobby, you’ll either emerge into your dark and yes, womb-like room; or into a light-filled glass box. It all depends on how much you’re willing to pay, because the experience of staying at this hotel is very different depending on what type of room you get. On the plus side, all rooms are larger than the norm at 350-feet and have foam memory mattresses (which some will enjoy, others find a bit spongy). And the neighborhood is terrific, filled with 19th century tenements (a rather shocking contrast to this glass tower) and such gems as the old-fashioned Economy Candy right across the street. Finally, if you get the right room, you could be treated to a spectacular view, a Japanese soaking tub and that rarest of all NYC amenities: a balcony. Get the wrong one, though, and your stay will be dark and a bit depressing.