If you're after outdoor gear, there is an EMS at 2453 Main St., Lake Placid (tel. 518/523-2505). For unique Adirondack crafts, visit the Adirondack Craft Center, 2114 Saranac Ave., Lake Placid (tel. 518/523-2062), where you'll find works from more than 300 artisans. Another good bet is Adirondack Reflections, Main Street, Keene (tel. 518/576-9549). Keene is also home to Dartbrook Rustic Goods, Route 73 (tel. 518/576-4360), purveyors of beautiful rustic furniture.
Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.