About an hour south of Disney, the elegant, 250-acre gardens—designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr., who worked on the National Mall and the Jefferson Memorial—are not often visited, which is too bad, because it’s a big reason you’re in Orlando at all: It was one of Central Florida’s first world-famous attractions. They’re genuinely tranquil and among the best surviving remnants of early-20th-century philanthropic privilege. The gardens (don’t miss the water lilies, big enough to support a child) and their 205-foot, neo-Gothic Singing Tower were commissioned as a thank-you to the American people by a Dutch-born editor, Edward William Bok, publisher of “The Ladies’ Home Journal” and a pioneer in public sex education. Bok was buried at the tower’s base in 1930, the year after its completion and dedication by President Calvin Coolidge. The 57-bell carillon on the tower’s sixth level sounds concerts at 1 and 3pm daily, and its 1930s Mediterranean-style Pinewood estate ($6 more) is open for tours. The sanctuary was enshrined in 1993 as a National Historic Landmark.