The market Verslun Hrísey (tel. 466-1213; Mon-Fri 11am-6pm; Sat 11am-5pm; Sun noon-5pm), a short walk from the harbor, has seating for snacks such as skýr and hot dogs. The only restaurant and lodgings are at Brekka (tel. 466-1751;; AE, MC, V; restaurant Jun-Aug daily 11:30am-9pm, Sept-May Fri-Sat dinner only), a yellow building visible from the harbor. The restaurant is far better than anticipated, with first-rate fish, lobster, and lamb dishes (2,500kr-5,400kr/$40-$86/£20-£43) as well as burgers, pizzas, and sandwiches (850kr-1,590kr/$14-$25/£6.80-£13). Four basic doubles with shared bathroom and ocean views go for 5,600kr ($90/£45).

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.