Allow at least half a day to explore this re-creation of the 1627 village. Enter by the hilltop fort and walk down to the farm area. The village approximates the conditions in the early days of the little community, which was settled in 1620 (plans are underway to commemorate 400 years in 2020). Visitors wander the village, stepping into homes and gardens constructed with careful attention to historic detail. Re-enactors and educators assume the personalities of original community members, and they take their roles seriously—they will give mystified reactions to questions about bathrooms or queries from women about cooking techniques (asking a male beside her, “doesn’t your wife know how to cook?”). Re-enactors spend their days framing houses, shearing sheep, preserving foodstuffs, and cooking over open hearths, all as it was done in the 1600s. Visitors are invited to join some activities—planting, witnessing a trial, visiting a wedding party. A Wampanoag Homesite depicts how 17th-century Native People would have lived. Staff in this section of the village are not actors: They are all either Wampanoag or from other Native Nations, and they talk to visitors as contemporaries, explaining Native history and culture. The visitor center’s restaurant, the Plentiful Cafe, includes both modern foods and Colonial and Native American-influenced items such as stuffed quahogs, succotash, and something called “17th-century cheesecake.”