Historic Pueblo runs along Union Avenue north from the Arkansas River to First Street, a distance of about 5 blocks. More than 40 buildings in the Union Avenue Historic District (www.seepueblo.com) are listed on the National Register of Historic Places, including the Vail Hotel (217 S. Grand Ave.), headquarters of the Pueblo County Historical Society museum and library (tel. 719/543-6772; www.pueblohistory.org), with railroad memorabilia, locally made saddles, and some 8,000 books, historical maps, and photographs depicting Pueblo's history. Union Depot, with its mosaic-tile floors and beautiful stained-glass windows, houses retail stores and offices, yet still serves rail freight lines. Walking-tour maps can be obtained at the Visitor Information Center, as well as from Union Avenue businesses.
Located in a historic fire station built in 1881 is Hose Company #3 -- Pueblo's Fire Museum, 116 Broadway Ave. (tel. 719/553-2830; www.pueblofire.org). Open for guided tours by appointment only (free, donations encouraged), the museum contains antique fire engines, firefighting equipment, photographs, and other firefighting-related displays.
One Big Artwork -- Designated the world's largest mural by Guinness World Records, the Pueblo Mural Project makes a canvas of a concrete wall that fronts the Arkansas River Levee for about 2 miles near downtown Pueblo. From its bohemian beginnings in the 1970s, the project was soon legitimized and encouraged, and today there are hundreds of different oversized works of art depicting everything from political slogans to rock stars to cartoon animals. Contact the Greater Pueblo Chamber of Commerce (tel. 800/233-3446) for more information.
Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.