This development of faux historic buildings opened in 1999, with the idea of creating the sort of a village center you might find in the Anne novels. (The actual Cavendish lacks anything remotely resembling a center, which makes sense since it's out in the middle of farmlands.) And, of course, the true goal is to entice paying tourists. The facility is on a big lot among amusement parks and motels, but several Anne-related buildings and artifacts are located at the site, including the actual one-room schoolhouse in which Montgomery taught (moved here from Belmont, about 48km/30 miles away) and a Presbyterian church she occasionally attended (moved about 16km/10 miles from Long River). There's also a variety show, hayrides, staff in period dress, a restaurant, several stores (including an art gallery and music shop), and tea, ice cream, and candy. But for what it delivers, it's overpriced -- except in September, when the cost of admission plunges.