Getting There

Network Express trains depart for Salisbury hourly from Waterloo Station in London; the trip takes 1 1/2 hours. Sprinter trains offer fast, efficient service every hour from Portsmouth, Bristol, and South Wales. Also, direct rail service is available from Exeter, Plymouth, Brighton, and Reading. For rail information, call tel. 0845/748-4950 or visit

Three National Express buses (tel. 0871/781-81-81; make a 3-hour run daily from London, costing £16 for a one-way ticket.

If you're driving from London, head west on the M3 to the end of the run, continuing the rest of the way on the A30.

Visitor Information

The Tourist Information Centre is at Fish Row (tel. 01722/334956; and is open October to April Monday to Saturday 9:30am to 5pm; May Monday to Saturday 9:30am to 5pm and Sunday 10:30am to 4:30pm; and June to September Monday to Saturday 9:30am to 6pm and Sunday 10:30am to 4:30pm.

Special Events

The Salisbury St. George's Spring Festival in April is a traditional medieval celebration of the city's patron saint. You can witness St. George slaying the dragon in the Wiltshire mummers play and see acrobats and fireworks.

With spring comes the annual Salisbury Festival (tel. 01722/332977; The city drapes itself in banners, and street theater -- traditional and unusual -- is offered everywhere. There are also symphony and chamber music concerts in Salisbury Cathedral, children's events, and much more. It takes place from mid-May to the beginning of June.

At the end of July, you can see the Salisbury Country and Garden Show, Hudson's Field (tel. 01189/478996), a treat for gardening enthusiasts, with a floral marquee packed with Chelsea exhibits, as well as display gardens created especially for the event. For those members of the family who tire of the gardens, there are also specialty food tastings, crafts sales, and a vintage and classic car show.

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.