This 78-hectare archaeological park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, forms the core concentration of stone statues left behind by the mysterious San Agustín culture. More than 130 statues are here, some brought from other sites, and they are spread out in four main clusters called mesitas, as well as along a short forest trail called the Bosque de las Estatuas, with statues brought from around the region. One of the most interesting sites in the park is the covered site of Fuente de Lavapatas, a ceremonial complex of pools and bas-reliefs (faces, snakes, and lizards) carved into a rocky stream. On a hill above the complex is the Alto de Lavapatas, the oldest archaeological site in the park, which dates back some 5,000 years.

Upon entering the park, walk through the small Museo Arqueológico, which has some minor statues and various artifacts found in the tombs. It’s a good introduction to the San Agustín and the origins of the statues.

Guides can be hired at the entrance—they’ll likely find you first—for around COP$70,000 per group. Plan on spending around three hours in the park. Be sure to bring a rain jacket, sunblock, and water, not to mention good walking shoes. There is parking on site, though you can easily come by taxi or bus from town, which is 2.5km (1 1/2 miles) to the east. Your admission to the archaeological park also gets you into the Alto de los Ídolos site either that day or the next, so be sure to keep the “passport” that they give you.