This is one of those iconic structures that architecturally epitomize an era—in this case, the early 1960s—and come to symbolize a city. So you could say that the Space Needle is Seattle’s Eiffel Tower. I’m quite fond of the old Space Needle and have never forgotten the scary thrill of being taken up to the top of it as a kid. From a distance, it looks like a flying saucer on a tripod, and when it was built for the 1962 World’s Fair, the 605-foot-tall Space Needle was meant to suggest “the future” (today it definitely looks retro). Once you finally get into the glass elevator, you’ll zoom up 520 feet to an observation deck that provides superb and unobstructed views of the entire city and its surroundings. More than 60 sites are identified on wall panels, and high-powered telescopes let you zoom in on them.  The lines in summer and on weekends can be really long, so it’s wise to get there early; the admission price allows you to return in the evening to see Seattle at night. (If you purchased a Seattle CityPass, you get to skip the long line.) A revolving restaurant, SkyCity, provides a memorable but very pricey spot to dine atop the observation deck (but the price of admission to the Space Needle is included if you dine there). Tip: You’ll pay $6 to $10 less for your admission if you visit during the first 2 hours of opening or the last two hours before closing.