Lying on Route 9, the small village of Bregninge doesn't have the charm of Troense, but it's a rewarding target for those who want to stop over here and climb its church tower for one of the greatest panoramic views in all of Denmark, a clear sweep (that is, on a fair day) of Funen and its southern archipelago. To the south are the Bregninge Hills, whose wooded slopes are popular for outings. Originally Romanesque, the church has a porch that dates from the 16th century, and its north wing was built in the 18th century. Inside you'll see a Romanesque granite font, a head of Christ on the north wall dating from about 1250, and a 1621 pulpit with rich ornamentation. In the porch is a tombstone with arcade decoration, the image of a vicar, and runic letters. Except for that view from the tower, it's not much of an attraction, but you may want to give it 20 minutes or so. After seeing the church, you can also visit Tåsinge Skipperhjem og Folkemindesamling.