This national park, located just 5km (3 miles) from Kiryat Shmona, is famous for its ancient Tabor oak trees, set among lawns filled with picnicking families on Saturday and in summer. Some of the trees may date from the time of Jesus and the Second Temple. According to Muslim legend, 10 soldiers of the Prophet Muhammad camped here at the time of the Muslim conquest in A.D. 638. Finding no place to tie their horses, they thrust their staffs into the ground and used them as hitching posts. When they awoke the next morning, the staffs had become enormous trees shading a paradise of wildflowers. The Dan River, a tributary of the Jordan, passes down this valley, collecting in a series of artificial lakes and ponds. The freezing (or refreshing) swimming pool (with water slides) in the park is also fed by these streams. Over the years, this tranquil, poetic spot has been turned into a summer playground, packed with Israeli families who come here to swim, picnic, and camp. But in winter and early spring, Horshat Tal remains a lush green, magical place. You can fish in the fishponds and keep your catch.