Most of Veszprém's main sights are clustered along Vár utca, the street that runs the length of the city's small, but charming Castle District.

Housed inside the 18th-century cannon's house, the Queen Gizella Museum (Gizella Kiralyne Muzeum), Vár u. 35 (no phone), has a fine collection of religious (Roman Catholic) art. Admission is 300 Ft for adults and 150 Ft for students. It is open daily from 10am to 5pm, May 1 through October 15.

At Vár u. 18, the vaulted Gizella Chapel (Gizella-kápolna), named for King Stephen I's wife, was unearthed during the construction of the adjoining Bishop's Palace in the 18th century. Today, it houses a modest collection of ecclesiastical art, but is best known for the 13th-century frescoes that, in various states of restoration, decorate its walls. Admission is 200 Ft for adults, 100 Ft for students. It is open Tuesday through Sunday 10am to 5pm from May 1 through October 31.

For a view of the surrounding Bakony region, climb the steps to the narrow observation deck at the top of the Fire Tower (Tuztorony) at the beginning of Vár u. The tower is famous for the enchanting melody it plays every hour on the hour. Although the foundations of the tower are medieval, the structure itself was built in the early 19th century. Enter via the courtyard of Vár u. 9, behind Óváros tér. Admission is 300 Ft for adults, 250 Ft for students. It is open daily from 10am to 6pm, March 15 through September 30.

In addition to Roman relics uncovered in the surrounding area, the Laczkó Dezso Museum (tel. 88/564-310), near Megyeház tér, features local folk exhibits (art, costumes, tools, utensils, and a detailed look at the prehistoric times of the area). There are also exhibits about the highwaymen of the region, celebrated figures from 19th-century Bakony who share some characteristics with the legendary outlaws of the American West. Admission is 700 Ft for adults and 350 Ft for children. From mid-March through mid-October, it is open 10am to 6pm, otherwise noon to 4pm. To get to the museum, walk directly south from Szabadság tér, where the old and new towns converge.

The Veszprém Zoo (Kittenberger Kálmán Növény és Vadaspark) is located at Kittenberger u. 15 (tel. 88/566-140; It's open daily in summer 9am to 6pm until September 30, and in winter daily from 9am to 4:30pm until the end of February. Admission is 1,400 Ft for adults, 960 Ft for children. The zoo is set in a small wooded valley at the edge of the city center and boasts 550 animals from 130 species. The zoo's latest addition is a state-of-the-art Chimpanzee House where you will find other simians as well.

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.