Ricki Peltzman’s shop is neither upstairs nor on 7th Street (that was its original location) and its Pennsylvania Avenue street address is also misleading—you enter an office building at 12th and E streets and walk through the lobby to your left to find the shop, further obscured behind frosted glass. But believe me, Washington women in the know find their way here. Judges, restaurateurs, politicians, and other heavyweights speak truth to power through clothing they’ve purchased at Upstairs on 7th. Forget business-suits-oriented, though. No, Ricki sells fashionably fun and interesting apparel and accessories: Ray Harris’s colorful and crinkly scarves, long-flowing Natalie Martin dresses, silky pajama-like St. Roche ensembles, New Form Perspective’s magically adjustable sweaters. The shop also functions as a salon, with Ricki hosting talks on timely subjects by notable women.