La Pedrera, Barcelona, Spain
Sergi Camara

Experience Barcelona

Gaze at the Curving Wonders of Gaudi's La Pedrera
Thought by many to be the crowning glory of the modernista movement, Antoni Gaudí's avant-garde apartment building Casa Milà is better known as La Pedrera, or Stone Quarry, for its wavy mass of limestone. The exterior undulates like ocean waves along Passeig de Gràcia and around the corner onto Provença street.
A cyclist passes Xavier Mariscal's Crayfish sculpture on the Moll de la Fusta, Barcelona, Spain
Sergi Camara
Join in the Fun on the Moll de la Fusta
This giant Xavier Mariscal sculpture of a playful crayfish smiles at all who pass him on the Moll de la Fusta. The boardwalk and series of esplanades along Passeig Colom and the picturesque old harbor is hugely popular with pedestrians and cyclists alike.
The vaulted ceiling of Santa Maria del Mar, Barcelona, Spain
Sergi Camara
Stand in Awe of Santa Maria del Mar
This Gothic church, in the heart of bustling La Ribera, represents architectural perfection, a model of graceful, soaring dimensions. A sublime sanctuary on a quiet afternoon, it's also thrilling if you catch a society wedding spilling out onto the steps--which you can watch from a wine bar across the plaza.
The tiled lizard fountain at Park Güell, Barcelona, Spain
Sergi Camara
Experience Gaudi's Vision at Parc Güell
This extraordinary tiled lizard fountain guards the entrance of the covered marketplace at the unique Park Güell. Gaudi's open-air park is pure whimsical fantasy, featuring Hansel and Gretel pagodas and undulating park benches swathed in mosaics. The park also commands great views across the city on a clear day.
A woman browses a fruit and vegetable stall at the Mercat de La Boqueria, Barcelona, Spain
Sergi Camara
Browse Fresh Produce at La Boqueria
Barcelona's wonderfully redolent Mercat de la Boqueria is a feast for the senses, with hundreds of colorful stalls overflowing with fresh seafood, wild mushrooms, meats, and vegetables. Europe's largest and surely most dynamic food market, this Catalan classic is the foundation of Barcelona's fascination with food.
Walkers strong along the waterfront in Port Vell, Barcelona, Spain
Sergi Camara
Relax by the Water in Port Vell
The glitzy Port Vell (Old Port) was one of the main projects for the city's Olympic renewal scheme. Its chic yachting marina is similar to those of other great Mediterranean ports like Marseilles and Piraeus, and there are large expanses of open recreational areas where people get out and enjoy the sun.
An ornate staircase in the Palau del Baró de Quadras, Barcelona, Spain
Sergi Camara
Explore the Intricacies of the Palau del Baró de Quadras
This 1904-06 Puig i Cadafalch mansion is a great example of the architect's creativity, with its Moorish-style ceiling, carved wood, and leaded glass. The top-floor terrace also commands terrific views of Casa de les Punxes, echoing the spires of La Sagrada Família in the background.