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Want To Be a Travel Writer? Here's One Way to Get Started

Whether you intend to make writing about travel your full-time profession or just want to improve your twittering, blogging, or memoirs, you should check this out.

There's still space for students at our own Bob Fisher's Travel Writing Workshop up the river from New York City this September. No, it won't be in Sing Sing Prison, which is also up the river, but in charming Hudson, NY, a former whaling village.

Whether you intend to make writing about travel your full-time profession or just want to improve your twittering, blogging, or memoirs, you should check this out. How to shape your writing and then market it successfully is the theme. This event is being organized by Bob, who is a contributor here, based on the success of his similar workshop down in Key West every winter since 1991. The dates for the Upper Hudson Valley Travel Writing Workshop are from September 16 through 18th, 2009. Full details can be found at

Bob is currently a columnist and contributing editor here at, where he also blogs three times weekly on travel health and safety, one of his specialties. Before this gig, he was editor-in-chief at Fodor guidebooks, general editor of the Crown Insider guides and creator of the 24 books in the Fisher Annotated Travel Guides series. Professionally, he is a former president of the Society of American Travel Writers (, also of the New York Travel Writers Association ( and is a trustee of the SATW Foundation (, which awards annual prizes for outstanding travel writing. You can learn more about him on the workshop site or at or at his personal blog,

Whatever season you choose to visit, you'll find the Upper Hudson Valley dressed for the occasion. Blessed with magnificent natural beauty, visiting here is like stepping into a living picture postcard. The perfect place to refresh your spirits, it is also the venue to excite your imagination. Scenic drives lead to charming towns and villages, each with its own unique architecture and historical heritage. You can indulge in just about every type of sporting activity, enjoy vibrant cultural events or search for antiques all day.

Whether you come for a day, a weekend or longer, you'll find the Upper Hudson Valley is a perfect getaway target, any time of the year. Bob says he has visited the area annually for more than a dozen years, and has become an ardent fan.

