GETTING THERE 95 miles NW of Portland. From Portland, take U.S. 30 west. From the north or south, take U.S. 101.

GETTING AROUND Astoria has a fairly small downtown core, so you can walk just about everywhere, including to the waterfront. On weekends and in summer (2–6pm) the restored 1913 Astoria Riverfront Trolley ([tel] 503/325-8790; fare $1) runs between Pier 39 and the Astoria Red Lion Inn, making several stops along the way; the round trip takes about an hour. The 5-mile Astoria Riverwalk, a flat, paved trail between the Port of Astoria and 40th Street, is a perfect way to explore Astoria’s revitalized waterfront on foot, by trolley or by bike.

VISITOR INFORMATION Contact or visit the Astoria-Warrenton Area Visitor Center, 111 W. Marine Dr. (; [tel] 800/875-6807 or 503/325-6311), open Monday through Saturday 9am to 5pm (daily summer).

FESTIVALS Astoria has many festivals and events that draw visitors from all over. The annual Fisher Poets Gathering (; [tel] 503/338-2438), held in late February (usually at Clemente’s cafe), celebrates the poetry of commercial fishermen and women; you have to be a fisherperson to read your poetry, but everyone is welcome to attend. In late April, the Astoria Warrenton Crab, Seafood & Wine Festival ( draws big crowds to the Clatsop County Fairgrounds. In June, the fairgrounds and the Liberty Theater play host to the fun-and-food-loving Scandinavian Midsummer Festival ( with performers from Scandinavia and Canada. Also in June, the Liberty Theater serves as the primary venue for the celebrated Astoria Music Festival (; [tel] 503/325-9896) with a surprisingly sophisticated lineup of classical and pop performances. The Astoria Regatta (; [tel] 800/535-8767 or 503/861-2288), held every year in mid-August, is the city’s biggest festival and includes lots of sailboat races. For a complete listing of all the festivals in the area, visit



Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.