Getting There 

Route 2 is the fastest way to travel east or west through the county, though it really lacks the charm of the quieter byways. Route 6 is the main route along the county's northern coast; unlike Route 2, following this highway is not a straight line but rather involves a number of turns at stop signs at intersections. Keep a sharp eye on the road signs or you'll lose the trail.

Visitor Information 

The snazzy, well-stocked little Cavendish Visitor Information Centre (tel. 800/463-4734 or 902/963-7830) is open daily from mid-June through mid-October. It's located just north of the intersection of routes 13 and 6.

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.