Rockport is absolutely worth a few hours during any trip to Camden. Try this route, either by bike or by car: Take Bayview Street from the center of Camden out along the bay, passing by opulent seaside estates. The road soon narrows and becomes quiet and pastoral, overarched by leafy trees. At the stop sign just past the cemetery, turn left and continue into Rockport. (Along the way, you might pass happily grazing cows.)

In Rockport, stroll downstairs to the water and snoop around the historic harbor, with its walking trail and outstanding photo opportunities. There’s a scenic public park by the boat landing with a great view of the boats in the harbor.  Walker Park and Mary Lea Park, just uphill, also offer grassy expanses and nice views.

Then re-mount the hill and drop by the Peter Ralson Gallery, 23 Central Street (tel. 207/230-7225), a small gallery showing the work (often coastal in nature) of one of Maine’s most accomplished living photographers. When you’re through, cross the street and grab some oysters and one of the delicious, esoteric cocktails at 18 Central. Try the Small Craft Advisory cocktail, a daily special which the bartender dreams up each day based on the marine weather report.


Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.