Getting There

The closest airports are the Riverton Regional Airport, 55 miles south of Thermopolis, off U.S. 26 W. at 4700 Airport Rd. (tel. 307/856-1307;, and Cody's Yellowstone Regional Airport, 84 miles northeast at Duggleby Dr. (tel. 307/587-5096; There is a small airport in Thermopolis used by private fliers.

United (tel. 800/864-8331) and Frontier (tel. 800/432-1359) fly into Riverton. Cody service is provided by United and Delta (tel. 800/221-1212).

To reach Thermopolis from Cody, drive 84 miles southeast on Wyo. 120. From Cheyenne, drive north on I-25 to Casper (178 miles), west on U.S. 20/26 to Shoshoni (98 miles), and north on U.S. 20 to Thermopolis. From Rock Springs, take U.S. 191 to Farson, Wyo. 28 to Lander, and Wyo. 789 through Riverton and Shoshoni to Thermopolis.

Visitor Information

The Thermopolis Chamber of Commerce, 220 Park St., Thermopolis, WY 82443 (tel. 877/864-3192;, sends out packets of information about local attractions.

Getting Around

If you've arrived by plane at one of the area airports, you'll need to rent a car to get around. Hertz (tel. 800/654-3131) maintains counters at both the Riverton and the Cody airports.

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.