A rental car is the most practical means for getting to Girdwood. If you will only ski, however, you may be able to take a shuttle; call the resort before you come. The Girdwood Chamber of Commerce maintains a website at www.girdwoodalaska.com. For more guidance, check the Anchorage visitor information.

Ski Conditions -- The rainforest of Girdwood and the dry Anchorage bowl often have different weather, despite being within the same municipality. Before heading down the road for a day of skiing, check out the conditions. Call tel. 907/SKI-SNOW (754-7669) for snow, weather, and visibility conditions, or check that information online at www.alyeskaresort.com. For visibility from below, check out the cam at www.chairfive.com.

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.