The Ultimate Crab Cake, Eastern Shore Style

Finding a good crab cake on the Eastern Shore is easy, especially in warm months when crabs are in season. Even making a list can start an argument, as everybody has his or her favorite spot. Below are two good bets -- just to get the discussion started.

Ruke's Seafood Deck, Main Street, Ewell, Smith Island (tel. 410/425-2311): You've got to get on a boat and go to Smith Island to get these old-fashioned, deep-fried gems. It's the local sweet crab that makes the difference.

Legal Spirits, 42 E. Dover St., Easton (tel. 410/820-0765): Known for its cream of crab soup (which can be shipped), its crab cakes are tops, too.

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.