Bird-Watching -- Bird-watchers will make many discoveries out on the Nome roads, turning to previously unused pages of their bird books. A bird list is available at the visitor center, and they post recent sightings and can tell you where to look -- each of the three roads has a different habitat. The best time to visit for birding is Memorial Day through June and in early August. There's a chance to see Siberian birds, and you are likely to see bluethroats, yellow wagtails, wheatears, Arctic warblers, and Aleutian and Arctic terns. Nome is the only place to see a bristle-thighed curlew without chartering a plane (but be ready for a strenuous hike). You don't need a guide, although guided field trips do come to Nome. National park rangers from the Bering Land Bridge National Preserve offers a Saturday bird outing during the migration in May and June; call ahead to check on current details.

Mountain-Biking -- The roads of Nome are one of the world's great undiscovered mountain-biking destinations -- where else can you bike past muskoxen and reindeer? There is no bike rental in town, but for bike enthusiasts, it may be worth renting a bike in Anchorage or bringing yours from home. There is a bike-repair guy in town, Keith Conger, who is a good contact point for information or help with your bike, at Bering C Bikes, 500 Spinning Rock Rd. (tel. 907/443-4994).

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.