From Arthur Frommer: First, a word about our Forum. Some users of are unaware of its existence. Go to the heading "Community" at the top of our main menu page, click on it, and then click on "Forum", and you'll encounter a service that posts readers' questions and other readers' answers (including answers by editors of this website). It's an extremely valuable method of having your travel questions answered, and we urge you to try it.
Moreover, some readers use our "Forum" to convey valuable items of travel news, the kind of information that can save you money or lead to a better travel experience. Such a discovery was recently posted by a longtime user of our "Forum" and Jason Cochran, our Editor-in-Chief, has blogged about it as follows:
"Eagle-eyed Frommer's community member Travel Rob has spotted some incredible summer airfare rates on XL Airways to France for June. Normally, rates top a grand, but he has found a method for finding some incredible bargains.
He posted word of a $620 New York-Marseille round-trip ticket in our forum:
"Just like I thought, XL is continuing to offer deals, even for June.... Most [booking] websites are totally ignoring XL for some reason."
His posts explain how to hunt and peck to find best rates. Get his instructions in our Forum by clicking here."