Because of problems too complex to discuss (and we're hoping to overcome them soon), podcasts (recordings) of "The Travel Show" with Arthur and Pauline Frommer (dad and daughter) aren't currently heard on iTunes. But you can listen to the same broadcasts (a) either live, on Sundays from noon to two, Eastern time, at, or (b) after the fact and for several months subsequently, via podcasts (recordings) found on Simply go to that web address, click on "podcasts" at the top of the screen, scroll down to The Travel Show, click on the hour you desire, and then click on "play". You'll hear an entire broadcast at a time, but sans commercials.
If, in the course of a live program, you have a travel question or comment you wish to pose to us, you simply dial--toll-free--1/800/544-7070. Lo and behold, you'll be talking to us, and we'll do our best to respond. The program is nationwide, carried by countless stations from Maine to Maui, but you may be in a location whose local stations don't carry it (amazing that some stations err in that regard). Therefore, hear it on the Internet.
It's an unusual radio program that features our own unvarnished and often-critical opinions about different travel facilities (as does this website). But we hope that our underlying love for travel shines through, and we very much enjoy the colloquy we have with our readers and listeners through this unique broadcast.
It starts at five minutes past the hour, around 12:06 p.m. to 2 p.m., Eastern time, Sundays.
And now, guess what? We're told that the technicians operating are able to place a "widget" enabling you to listen to past recordings of the Travel Show directly on this website. Watch for mention of this new service, which will be prominently announced--and fairly soon--on our main menu page.