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Starting This Coming October, We're Going to be Igniting a Second Revolution in the Publishing of Travel Guides

      As you may have read in a widely-published news item that broke on Monday, we've regained ownership of the Frommer travel guides--the leading series of guidebooks sold in America.  And we're going to celebrate that event by creating a new price point for the sale of high-quality travel books.  Each of our new "EasyGuides" will sell for only $10.95 a copy, and will be--please take our word on this--as authoritative, as valuable, and yet as much fun to read and use as any others ever published. 

     Each of the "EasyGuides" will contain the unvarnished opinions and advice of an experienced writer, carefully chosen by us, who almost always lives in the city or country about which they write.

     "EasyGuides"--each 256 pages in length--are described by us as being:

     **Quick to Read

     **Light to Carry

     **For Expert Advice

      **In All Price Ranges

      As we write these words, dedicated writers all over the world--people in love with the places in which they live--are finishing up the mauscripts of the "EasyGuide" assigned to them.   We've spoken at length with each of them, we've read their preliminary chapters, we know how excited they are to be writing again for Frommer's, and we confidently predict that the series will lead the list of travel best-sellers.  They will be frank and candid, intensely opinionated, cost-conscious--and low in cost!

     Equally important, each of the EasyGuides will be thoroughly up-to-date for use in 2014.  With "EasyGuides" ranging in content from North America to Europe and Asia, from Latin America to the South Pacific, a vast body of Frommer readers, who have used our guides over the years, will not have to rely on the amateur, easily-faked, "user-generated" views of persons who have only casually visited a particular city and stayed in only one hotel in it.  Our readers will be relying on the expertise and insights of such long-time journalists as Margie Rhynn in Paris, Jeanette Foster in Hawaii, Jack Jewers in Irleand, Pauline Frommer in New York, and other well-kown travel names.   

     And they'll be quickly accessing that advice in 256 pages weighing far less than any tablet or laptop, and selling for only $10.95.

     A sales force for our distributor, Publishers Group West, is currently calling on bookstores all over the nation to place copies of the many "EasyGuides" titles into those stores.  You'll find them there as early as three months from now, starting in October.  We'l be supplying further details in 
