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Private Luxury Terminal Opens at LAX

The rich and famous can now make use of their own private luxury terminal at Los Angeles International Airport

Dubbed the Private Suite ("Let-Them-Eat-Cake Terminal" must have been too long for the signs), the facility, which opened last week, has an exclusive entrance blocked by gates to keep paparazzi at bay, a no-lines security screening process, and lounges with daybeds, private bathrooms, TVs, and refrigerators stocked with snacks.

When it's time to board, BMW sedans whisk Private Suite passengers to their planes on the tarmac. Shouldn't they be carried on litters, Cleopatra-style, while economy-class passengers feed them peeled grapes?

The star treatment is available for all arriving and departing commercial flights at LAX for $3,500 per flight to domestic destinations and $4,000 for international ones. The fee covers up to four passengers.

Built entirely with private funds—no taxpayer money was used—the new LAX terminal is the first of its kind in the United States. But there are similar facilities in London, Dubai, Munich, and elsewhere. New York City's John F. Kennedy International Airport could get one soon, too.

If you need us, meanwhile, we'll be in the plebeian terminal, seated on pleather and sandwiched between someone wolfing down a Cinnabon and someone else holding a screaming baby. We're guessing all of the phone-charging outlets will be already taken. 
