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Tokyo's Famous Fish Market Could Become a Food Theme Park

A food theme park could soon occupy the site of the famous Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo. 

What's a food theme park? Beats us—and Japanese officials aren't providing many details either, saying only that the new attraction could be up and running within the next five years.

After more than eight decades in central Tokyo, the fish market—a major tourist attraction for its lively tuna auctions and eateries selling fresh seafood—is being relocated to Toyosu on the outskirts of the city.

That was supposed to happen in November, but the move was delayed when toxic substances were found in the soil and groundwater at the new site. 

Officials say the market will still end up in Toyosu some day soon, though they have not announced a target date.

Initial plans called for the original Tsukiji Fish Market to be closed and sold, but that idea has been dropped and replaced with the prospective theme-park project. 

Either way, the place won't be the same.
