Atlanta Breakfast Club

It's time to darty! (If you don't know, that's slang for "daytime party.")

The Atlantic Breakfast Club may well be the most happening breakfast scene in the USA. In the parking lot: A DJ and hype man, who gets the waiting folks dancing, and even more hyped for the B-I-I-I-S-C-U-I-T-S. Inside, the waiters keep the energy going with unbounded enthusiasm for both you and your order.

This all could get annoying if the food weren't so spot-on. But at the Club, every splash of hollandaise sauce, every fluffy egg stack, every pancake, is served with care. Which makes it a bit difficult to order: The menu has many highlights. Luckily, half-orders are available (though not listed on the menu) for many dishes, so ask. Among the highlights are a slammin' fried green tomatoes B.L.T. (pictured below), and the peach cobbler French toast, which is wonderfully fluffy and topped with chunks of vanilla cookie crumble and stewed peach—it's da bomb.

Atlanta Breakfast Club

My only quibble is the cutlery. Clearly the restaurant has dishwashing available since entrees are served on china plates. So why the plastic forks, knives, and spoons? It's bad for the environment and feels chintzy. Time for reusable metals.