This elaborate, vaguely Tudor gingerbread cottage on a lovely landscaped yard in the center of Brigus was local captain Bob Bartlett's home. You can learn a lot about him here; his role in captaining Robert E. Peary's ship the Roosevelt toward the North Pole during the winter of 1908-1909, his heroic walk over 1,130km (700 miles) of Arctic sea ice to help save most of a stranded crew during a different expedition, and much more. (Bartlett has been justly called the "greatest ice navigator of the century.") His cottage was built in 1830, then moved here in 1833 from a few miles away; today, it's furnished much as it might have been at the turn of the 20th century -- except for the gift shop in the cottage purveying Newfoundland crafts, that is. Non-history buffs might skip this stop in lieu of photographing more icebergs, but I happen to think it's a very cool museum highlighting an overlooked man of remarkable talents living during a heady moment in history. If you're like me, drop by and give it an hour.