Leave your clothing and any notions of modestly at the door of the so-called Old Baths, built from 1869 to 1877 at the behest of Grand Duke Friedrich von Baden. The German notion of Freikörperkultur, or Free Body Culture, is the house rule here, and bathing attire is not allowed in the domed, mosaic-covered chambers. On some days the facilities are coed, and on others men and women bathe separately. Following the Roman-Irish method that combines thermal waters and warm air, it takes about 3 hours to follow the complete routine, which involves a shower, two saunas, an optional brush-massage soaping, thermal steam baths, and three freshwater baths ranging in temperature. At the end of the routine you’re encouraged to drift off to sleep beneath a warm blanket in a dimly lit rotunda. After experiencing the Friedrichsbad, you’ll better understand what Mark Twain meant when he said, “Here at Baden-Baden’s Friedrichsbad you lose track of time in 10 minutes and track of the world in 20.”