This glorious teak palace was built by King Chulalongkorn on Koh Si Chang in 1901, then moved to Bangkok piece by piece, a tricky operation that was helped by the fact that no nails were used in the building's construction. It is thought to be the largest teak palace in the world, and it certainly looks grand in the grounds of Dusit Park. Visitors are allowed to look in some of the palace's 80 rooms, which are regally furnished and display unusual gifts to the royal family from around the world. If you look carefully you might spot the first typewriter made with Thai characters, and the first indoor bathroom to be built in Thailand. If you visit the Emerald Buddha Temple and Grand Palace, your ticket also includes admission here. There's a strict dress code, so no exposed shoulders or knees please, or you'll have to buy a long skirt (yes, men too!) to enter.