For many years, Belfast was best known for its most conflicted neighborhoods, where in the 1970s and ‘80s protest and violence occurred daily. Peace has held on the Catholic Falls Road and its nearby parallel, the Protestant Shankill Road, for 20 years. A growing industry supports this enterprising tourism initiative, with the Black Taxi Tour company’s Belfast Political & Mural tour by far the best option. Tours are conducted in London-style cabs that take you through the neighborhoods, past the barbed wire, towering dividing walls, and partisan murals, as guides explain their significance. Drivers, who are all locals, are relaxed, patient, and unbiased, with a talent for explaining this complicated history to outsiders in an easy and engaging way. Tours aren’t just limited to politics; the guides will also take you to see the Titanic shipyard and a day-long tour to see the Northern Ireland locations where Game of Thrones is filmed (one of many such tours that have sprung up). The standard tour lasts about 90 minutes, and guides will pick you up and drop you off anywhere in the city.