Atop a 360m (1,181-foot) basalt cliff, this park offers panoramic views, walking trails, and archaeological and historical sights (including Belfast Castle). Its name derives from five small caves thought to have been Neolithic iron mines; several other ancient sites are scattered about the place, often unmarked. These include stone cairns, dolmens, and McArt’s Fort—the remains of an ancient defensive hill fort in which Wolfe Tone and his fellow United Irishmen planned the 1798 rebellion. It’s mostly gone now, but you can explore the ruins, which sit atop the park’s most famous viewpoint. The Cave Hill Visitor Centre, on the second floor of Belfast Castle, contains a diverting exhibition on the history of the park and the castle. You can also pick up maps of the park here. For a great walk around the entire park, check out, a site promoting hiking in Northern Ireland. To explore the park’s mountain-bike trails, rent a Belfast Bikes or hire a proper mountain bike at Full Cycle, 326 Crumlin Rd. (; 028/9074-1569); make reservations at least 24 hours in advance, preferably a full week ahead.