The last working ship in the White Star Line fleet, the Nomadic was built in Belfast as a tender to the most famous ocean liner in history—the ill-fated SS Titanic. (Tenders were small steamships that ferried passengers and supplies to and from the oceangoing behemoths.) After seeing action in both World Wars—first press-ganged into service by the French Navy, then used by the British to evacuate Cherbourg, where she came under fire from the Nazis—Nomadic returned to work as a tender until 1968. She spent the next 35 years in France as a bateau mouche floating restaurant, before bailiffs seized the poor ship in 2003. Nomadic looked destined for the scrapheap, until the people of Belfast raised enough money to rescue her. After a decade-long restoration, Nomadic has been returned to her original 1911 glory. You can tour the whole vessel, from the cramped and claustrophobic crew quarters to the bridge and upper deck. Exhibitions along the way tell the full story behind Nomadic, along with profiles of passengers who sailed on her throughout the years. Daily ticket numbers are limited due to space—book in advance if possible.