Bremen’s art gallery opened in 1849 and has been expanded many times since. The museum is especially well known for its collection of Impressionist paintings, including several by Max Leibermann (1847–1935). The son of a wealthy banking family, Leibermann used much of his fortune to collect French impressionists. He is known for his portraits of Albert Einstein and other early 20th century celebrities. One of his early works, The 12-Year-Old Jesus in the Temple With the Scholars (1879), created a sensation, with one critic commenting that Jesus looked like “the ugliest, most impertinent Jewish boy imaginable.” Another Leibermann work, Riders on a Beach, was in the news in 2012 when it was found among a trove of paintings confiscated from private collectors by the Nazis. Leibermann earned a solid reputation for his bourgeois subjects rendered in the style of Edouard Manet. His The Papageienallee (1902), a scene of promenaders and strollers, hangs in the Kuntsthalle galleries among works by Corot, Pissarro, and other Impressionists.