The best seafood restaurant in Bruges, De Coninc is just off the Markt, with a surprisingly pared-down interior, simple wooden tables, and stripped pine floors. A blackboard running round the wall lists specials, but your eye is likely to be held by the large fish tank, where your lunch or dinner may await. You can order steak, but seafood is the raison d’être after all: sole, scampi, bouillabaisse, fish stew, fried fish, and lobster are all on offer. That said, most people come here either for the eel dishes (try the one with herb sauce for a real Belgian treat) or any of the seven mussel dishes, all served with fries. Starters include excellent fish soup, oysters, and croquettes; finish with desserts that might include fresh seasonal fruit or a typical "white lady," an ice-cream sundae with hot chocolate sauce.