Le Berger is not for everyone, but if you like a romantic, historic venue, you'll love this beauty. There's only a large sign to make this Art-Deco hotel stand out from the neighboring buildings. But that's hardly surprising, because before it reopened as a boutique hotel,  Le Berger was a discreet maison de rendezvous, a "hot-sheets hotel" where lovers met illicitly. Once you've collected your large brass key from the front desk, a little lift takes you slowly up to your floor. As you walk along the small dark corridors to your room, you may sense the ghosts of the past. The bedrooms have silky, sensuous wallpaper, arched wooden doorways, fitted carpets, rich colors, and, above all, lots of velvet. There are wonderful touches like marbled columns and sculptures of sinuous dancers on the tables in the rooms' corners. The tiled and marbled bathrooms have only curtains separating them from the bedroom. This is a hotel for seduction. On a more practical note, there's also a delightful, separately run Italian bar and restaurant off the main lobby that serves good range of Italian wines and antipasti.