Getting There & Departing

BY PLANE—Most flights to and from Corozal Airport connect through San Pedro Airport on Ambergris Caye. There are numerous flights connecting San Pedro to both of Belize City’s airports, as well as other destinations around the country.

Maya Island Air (; tel. 223-1140 in Belize City, or 422-2333 in Corozal) has daily flights between Corozal and San Pedro, leaving San Pedro at 7 and 10am and at 2 and 4:30pm, and returning at 7:30 and 10:30am and at 2:30 and 5pm.

Tropic Air (; tel. 800/422-3435 in the U.S. or Canada, 226-2012 in Belize City, or 422-0356 in Corozal) has direct flights between San Pedro and Corozal, leaving every 2 hours between 7am and 5pm. The flights return to San Pedro following a similar schedule between 7:30am and 5:30pm.
On both airlines, the flight duration is 25 minutes, and the fare is BZ$150 each way.

BY CAR—Corozal Town is the last town on the Philip Goldson Highway before you reach the Mexican border. Take Freetown Road out of Belize City to connect with the Goldson Highway. If you’re driving in from Mexico, you’ll reach a fork in the road 4.8km (3 miles) from the border; bear left and follow the signs to reach Corozal Town.

BY BUS—Buses (tel. 227-2255 in Belize City, or 402-3034 in Corozal) leave Belize City for Corozal and the Mexican border throughout the day, roughly every half-hour between 5:30am and 7:30pm from the main terminal on West Collet Canal Street. Catch any bus going to Corozal Town or Chetumal. The Corozal Town bus station is located 2 blocks west of the small central plaza and Town Hall. You can pick up a return bus here to Belize City, or onward to the Mexican border and Chetumal. The fare is BZ$16 to BZ$20 between Belize City and Corozal Town, BZ$6 to BZ$10 between Orange Walk Town and Corozal Town, and around BZ$6 between Chetumal and Corozal Town.

BY BOAT[em]The Thunderbolt (tel. 610-4475 in San Pedro, or 422-0026) has two daily boats running between San Pedro on Ambergris Caye (on the leeward side behind the soccer field) and Corozal (from the big municipal pier). The boats leave each destination at 7am and 3pm and cross paths about midway. The trip takes around 2 hours, and a stop in Sarteneja can be made upon request. Fare is BZ$50 one-way and BZ$90 roundtrip.

Getting Around

orozal Town is very compact, and it’s easy to walk anywhere in the entire downtown and waterfront areas. However, if it’s just too hot, you’re too tired, or you’re heading farther afield, you can have your hotel call a taxi. Or try Corozal Bus Terminal Taxi Union (tel. 422-3194) or Corozal Taxi Association (tel. 422-2035). If it's lunchtime you may be hard-pressed to find a ride without spending a little extra.

If you’re looking to rent a car up here, contact Mr. Angel Riverol at Corozal Car Rentals (; tel. 422-3339).


Corozal is located right on a beautiful section of Corozal Bay. The town is laid out more or less in a grid, with avenues running roughly north-south and streets running east-west. The avenues run up numerically in order beginning with the waterfront 1st Avenue. The streets run in parallel but separate numerical order north and south from the town's central plaza, so that 3rd Street North and 3rd Street South are two distinct roads, one located 3 blocks north of the central plaza, the other 3 blocks south. The Philip Goldson Highway from Belize City and Orange Walk enters the town from the south. If you bear right and stay close to the water, you will be on 1st Avenue. If you bear left, you will be on 7th Avenue, the town's busiest thoroughfare, which skirts the western edge of downtown before passing the bus terminal and continuing on to Chetumal and the Mexican border.

The post office (tel. 422-2462) and Town Hall front the small central plaza. Most banks and businesses are within a 2-block radius in either direction.

Fast Facts --If you need to call the police, dial 911 or 422-2202; for the fire department, dial 422-2105; and for medical emergencies, call the Corozal Community Hospital at  402-3909, and tel. 422-2076 will get you an ambulance.

There are several banks in Corozal Town: Atlantic Bank, 3rd Street North. (tel. 422-3473); Scotiabank, 1st Street South (tel. 422-2322); and Belize Bank, 1st Street North (tel. 422-2087). All of these change U.S. dollars, Belize dollars, and Mexican pesos, as well as provide cash advances on your credit card.

If your hotel doesn’t have a tour desk or good connections, and you want to visit any of the sites mentioned below or take an organized tour in this region, call Belize VIP Transfer & Tours (; tel. 422-2725).

Note: This information was accurate when it was published, but can change without notice. Please be sure to confirm all rates and details directly with the companies in question before planning your trip.