
Best Hotels in Corumba

The nicest place to stay in Corumbá is the Hotel Gold Fish, Av. Rio Branco 2799 (on the road to Ladario; tel. 067/3231-5106; double room R$120). The hotel is 8km (5 miles) outside of downtown, on the banks of the River Paraguay. Rooms are clean and si...  Read more >

Fromm rating starAbout our rating system

Star Rating Price Name Neighborhood
2 star rating Check dates Aguas do Pantanal Palace Hotel around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel El Shaday around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Laura Vicunha around town
2 star rating Check dates Hotel Vitória around town
2 star rating Check dates Nacional Palace Hotel around town
2 star rating Check dates Pousada Anhuma I around town
2 star rating Check dates Pousada Carandá Corumbá around town
2 star rating Check dates Santa Mônica Palace Hotel around town