This lakeside hotel on Lough Eske, a 15-minute drive from Donegal Town, is much loved by regulars, and it’s easy to see why. The views of the lake from the hotel are pristine. Rooms and bathrooms are spacious, modern and very comfortable. The decor is traditional throughout, with marble bathrooms, striped wallpaper, and antique reproduction beds. All guest rooms are suites, with seating areas and plenty of space to relax. Downstairs, the restaurant serves rich meals with exquisite views of the lake—afternoon tea here is absolutely decadent, with fresh-baked scones, cakes and homemade jam. The wood-paneled bar has the feel of a private club, and a good selection of wine and whiskey to go with it. The place has the ambience of an exclusive getaway, as if you’re hiding from the world. No wonder it’s won so many awards.