Between 1884 and 1887, King Albert of Saxony (1828–1902)—whose full name was (are you ready?) Frederick Augustus Albert Anton Ferdinand Joseph Karl Maria Baptist Nepomuk Wilhelm Xaver Georg Fidelis—converted the royal arsenal into a home for his vast collection of art and precious jewelry. The Gemäldegalerie Neue Meister (New Masters Gallery), taking up two floors, is a rich collection of 19th- and 20th-century art. The collection concentrates on German art, starting with moody works by Caspar David Friedrich (1774–1840), the great German Romantic artist, and going up to the brilliant works of Dresden-born Otto Dix (1889–1969), a painter who ran afoul of the Nazis. Allot at least an hour to see the highlights. The Skulpturen-Sammlung (Sculpture Collection) includes examples from over 5 millennia, starting with the ancient cultures of the Mediterranean region through all epochs of European sculpture to the present.